Gravity Well Foundation

An Unclassified Forum Discussing Space Warfare Relevant Topics (over 25 already on the topics page!!), including Strategies, Scenarios, and Implementing Technology  and Tactics


Hit the Down Arrow for the site's Purpose and Intent!



See the new CONOPS discussion about how SPACEX STARSHIP can be used as the 1st C&C at L-1; and how it can be done reasonably quickly


This Site is called Gravity Well because the three dominating factors framing this topic are 1) the gravity well (the effects of  gravity as a force eminating from the earth and the moon) as depicted  (Earth, Moon and Sun) and hence the name of the site, 2) Space's Environmental Conditions , and 3) The Purpose and Intent of the United States of America's Strategic Interests in Space




Check out the NOAA site ( for a Lagrange Point (L-1, and L-2 thru 5) overview.

This site greatly appreciates any meaningful comments, articles, or other submissions  to advance the topics covered. We will gladly cite and reference any work or references; however, we reserve the exclusive and absolute right to accept or reject any submission, as we are mindful of the subject matter of this site and its ramifications.

Purpose and Intent

This site assumes that (a) someone or nation must act as the policeman of space around the earth, moon, and other planatary systems around our sun (sol) since it is in the interest of humankind for space to become humanized, and (b) at this point, from a United states of america perspective, the only reasonable policeman is the USA as it has the present capabilities and no reason to deny any ally or non-threatening actor access, but instead welcomes allies and partners in space, as all of humanity will need to be involved for humankind to become a space based civilization as such an endeavour is extremely challenging.


The purpose of This Website, Papers, Forums and Podcasts / YouTube Channels, all planned for, will / and ARE discussing the unclassified views of those having some relevant experience in the field, and various associated subject matter, concerning Space Warfare as such is a vital and necessary part of the policing function. 


This is not a science fiction or wild speculation forum, but instead discusses  likely space warfare scenarios, and perhaps some unlikely ones, and how they would play-out within the context of the 3 key factors facing any realistic discussion of the application of known technologies, And The Contexts of the Strategies and Tactics which might employ such.


The primary CONOPS (see Concept of Operations page) of this site is that space warfare is by definition NOT executed from the earth, but is instead originated  non-earth and exeuted in space without regard to earth unless an attack is originated from earth. This is because the time to communicate this far out from earth takes too long for effective c&c at any level of detail (1.25 seconds in each direction per transmission).
This is a very significant difference, and reflects the transformation of space warfare into a conceptual equivalent to various ocean warfare strategies, as if this were a earth based naval warfare discussion site. All elements of space warfare, including space based supply chains, manufacturing of systems, deployment and operations of systems, communications, and command and control, are considered to be space based, and while ultimate C&C will likely come from earth, all operational C&C would come from space based assets.  
A good analogy might be PACOM, the US Pacific Command operating out of Hawaii, but in this case, C&C would come from a moon contigueous platform / base and this moon contigueous space would  be  it's operational theater, with most if not all deployable assets and manpower coming fROM, or at LEAST based in, such moon contigeous space because the time of transmission from earth to L-1 or moon assets takes too long for any but the most strategic communications to come from earth c&c.