An Unclassified Forum Discussing Space Warfare Relevant Topics (over 25 already on the topics page!!), including Strategies, Scenarios, and Implementing Technology and Tactics
See the new CONOPS discussion about how SPACEX STARSHIP can be used as the 1st C&C at L-1; and how it can be done reasonably quickly
This Site is called Gravity Well because the three dominating factors framing this topic are 1) the gravity well (the effects of gravity as a force eminating from the earth and the moon) as depicted (Earth, Moon and Sun) and hence the name of the site, 2) Space's Environmental Conditions , and 3) The Purpose and Intent of the United States of America's Strategic Interests in Space
Check out the NOAA site ( for a Lagrange Point (L-1, and L-2 thru 5) overview.
This site greatly appreciates any meaningful comments, articles, or other submissions to advance the topics covered. We will gladly cite and reference any work or references; however, we reserve the exclusive and absolute right to accept or reject any submission, as we are mindful of the subject matter of this site and its ramifications.