An Unclassified Forum Discussing Space Warfare Relevant Topics, including Strategies, Scenarios, and Implementing Technology and Tactics
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This Site is called Gravity Well because the three dominating factors framing this topic are 1) the gravity well (the effects from gravity as a force eminating from the earth and the moon) as depicted (Earth, Moon and Sun) and hence the name of the site, 2) Space's Environmental Conditions , and 3) The Purpose and Intent of the United States of America's Strategic Interests in Space
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1 Discussion: Manned SPACEX C&C at L-1
Below is a diagram of a manned SPACEX Starship:
One of the big issues facing US Space warfare strategies is historical SWAP limitations (Size, Weight, And Power). Because of the limited capabilities of prior rocket ships, and their high cost of operations, there was no real way to realize, at any bearable cost, the establishment of an L-1 operational C&C as will be described here.
THIS HAS ALL CHANGED, by 2027/2028, SPACEX's Starship (projected to be 100x cheaper per pound, which is becoming comparable to sealift operational costs for the USN) can be employed to build this out (and the moon based support bases, really quickly) if enough emphasis is placed on its priority.
A single starship has a space large enough (1100 CM) to hold a large combant US Navy Ship's C&C; when you add 1 more such spaceous cabin in a attached Starship you have a strategic C&C surpassing anything imagined before and at a cost comparable to a modern US combatant ocean ship.
With visual ports as large as shown, and a set of much lower cost but still highly capable set of earth-facing aka Webb telescope mirrors (also at a much lower cost due to the fact that SWAP is so favorable).
Such SWAP cost reduction advantages (across the lift and sustainability of all of associated space operations) become a major asset to the US Space Warfare execution strategy compared to potential Adversaries.
Power also becomes a strategic asset because (1) with a number of large power solar arrays that can be lifted with minimum SWAP concerns, and room in their cargo bays for lots of additional low SWAP concerned support systems, crew cabins, and
(2) with tethered cable connections to a 4th starship (now can be independently devoted to lift with low SWAP concerns) containing a US submarine nuclear reactor (perhaps with water from the moon), you have an immediately realized Starship C&C at L-1 able to handle the policing of the gravity well by the US Space Force on behalf of US Strategic interests and its allies (perhaps within the context of a MDTO (Moon Defense Treaty Organization), also discussed in other sections of this site.
2. Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Future Battlespace To:
(This is a preliminary list to induce discussions)
l . Plan both defensive and offensive missions; trajectories, collision avoidance and debris location2. 2. Detect unauthorized incursions in defended space
3. Detect signal tampering and forms of interference
4. Monitor spacecraft/module health; provide early alerts
5. Identify anomalous spacecraft in large constellations
6. Handle massive datasets, such as all space objects in near space and their orbits and trajectories throughout an AI space-based architecture
7. Control large constellations of Nano or Microsats
8. by being resident at L-1, Reduce communications lags
9. Control robots in orbit and on surfaces
10. Enhance imaging of constellations and surfaces and landing sites
11. Operational Supports could include:
a. autopilot for docking maneuvers
b. Simulating and testing system components for launch
c. Harden Ground Control facilities and network communications
d. Reduce response times to counter cyber intrusions
e. Build weapons on orbit
Note: Al requires large-scale computer processing; onboard processors must be able to store, access and process huge datasets and the above applications.