space warfare scenarios

An Unclassified Forum Discussing Space Warfare Relevant Topics, including Strategies, Scenarios, and Implementing Technology  and Tactics


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This Site is called Gravity Well because the three dominating factors framing this topic are 1) the gravity well (the effects of  gravity as a force eminating from the earth and the moon) as depicted  (Earth, Moon and Sun) and hence the name of the site, 2) Space's Environmental Conditions , and 3) The Purpose and Intent of the United States of America's Strategic Interests in Space

This site greatly appreciates any meaningful comments, articles, or other submissions  to advance the topics covered. We will gladly cite and reference any work or references; however, we reserve the exclusive and absolute right to accept or reject any submission, as we are mindful of the subject matter of this site and its ramifications.

space warfare scenarios

starting Space warfare strategy


This site takes the approach that warfare in space is three dimensional, and can be analogized to US Naval Strategies.


In 1992, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the US Navy changes its strategy to one based on the assumed, and practical, belief that the US Navy was the far superior Naval force on the planet. With the rise of smaller conflicts and terrorism as the types of combat that was foreseeable, the strategy was "From the Sea"; this implied that naval power, primarily carrier aerial delivery, would be used to effect smaller, land based conflicts.


In 2024, as tensions increased in the East China Sea and beyond, the US Navy adopted a new strategy: "Denial of the Sea"; in this new strategy, it is assumed that the US Navy will recreate the Soviet era strategy of encirclement, but in this case using a combination of Sea and land based assets to enact its strategy, while employing new technologies and appropriate enabling tactics.


Initial Scenario & Strategy


In the CONOPS of this site, the initial SCENARIO assumed that the US, and its space allies, perhaps a part of a newly formed MDTO (Moon Defense Treaty Organization) will deny access to the L1 and the moon and beyond to those hostile to their common interests ("Denial of the Extraterristial"). See CONOPS page for an initial SPACX Starship  C&C at L-1 of the station that would be key to any CONCOPS in the near term.


The concept of "denial" is that all means necessary to deny access includes offensive actions to deter larger and more consequential encursions.